The Single Christian Woman | Faith and Relationships, Loneliness, God’s Plan for You, Christian Dating Advice, Spiritual Growth
Do you find yourself feeling lonely, wondering if God has forgotten you? Do you wish you could trust yourself and have higher self-confidence, but you constantly doubt if your next step is the right one? Are you having trouble hearing God’s answers or direction, but aren’t sure how to build a stronger connection? If you said yes, you are in the right place. In this podcast you will find an honest conversation about being single in the Church. You will learn how to transform your thinking to build God rooted self-confidence so you can move from fear and doubt knowing that your next step is the right step. You will hear practical strategies, tips and tools to help you strengthen two key relationships: the one you have with God and the one you have with yourself including you confidently going after and achieving your dreams and desires. Hello, my name is Sharon Lamar, I am a certified life coach specializing in relationships and am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I know what it’s like to feel like you don’t measure up. You see I failed to check all the boxes in the “correct” time frame…I remained single until age 52. I was independent, had a demanding and successful career yet still wanted the experience and companionship as a wife and mother. Sometimes, I was happily single and other times unhappy. In the unhappy times, I was anxious and convinced that time was running out and doubted that what I wanted was even possible. I was sure something was wrong with me. Even worse, I believed I had been forgotten by God. I was afraid and doubting. Over time I began to realize how God communicates with me and I felt his love for me. I also discovered the power of coaching. Communicating with God on a deeper level combined with coaching I learned to trust Him and myself. I developed the confidence to go after what I want AND all that He has in store for me. And now I’m excited to share all I’ve learned with you! If you are ready to trust yourself, to deepen your relationship with God and live confidently knowing your next step is the right step, this is the podcast for you. So, grab your Diet Coke, put in those earbuds and let’s chat…friend to friend. Visit my website: While you are there book your FREE session and let’s transform your thinking to build God-rooted self-confidence. Email me at:
Monday Dec 02, 2024
Monday Dec 02, 2024
Hello friend.
Who is running your life? Is it you? Or maybe it feels more like your mom, or your boss, or your ex, or sister is running your life.
You begin your week feeling you have a handle on things and feeling pretty dang good about the days ahead, when bam! There she is your mom, doing the mom thing and now you don’t have a handle on things and are feeling pretty crummy.
Or it’s not your mom, it is your ex. You thought you took back control over your life when you divorced or broke up with him and then bam, there he is right back in control making you feel less than and angry again.
Listen friend, we all have them. Those few people who seem to suck us right back to a place and the way of being we thought we had left behind.
If this sounds like you, you are in the right place today. I have exactly what you need to take back control over your life.
Let’s jump in. Grab that diet coke, put in your ear buds and let’s talk friend to friend.
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Hope this episode inspires you or makes you think.
Monday Nov 25, 2024
Monday Nov 25, 2024
Hello friend.
Are you tired of chasing after your dream of being in a relationship with a good man, who loves you and wants to be with you?
Is the energy needed to keep chasing and pursuing love taking a toll on your self-esteem?
Are you finding yourself less and less willing and able to get excited about the whole dating scene?
Do you feel ready to throw in the towel and stay single even though what you really want is love?
Well, my friend, you are in the right place with this episode. I have radical way for you to quit chasing your dream and instead attracting your dream.
No more chasing. Instead, you will attract what you desire! Listen up while I drop the steps of how to move away from chasing to attracting. You are going to want a pen and paper for this one!
Let’s jump in. Grab that diet coke, put in your ear buds and let’s talk friend to friend.
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Hope this episode inspires you or makes you think.
Monday Nov 18, 2024
Monday Nov 18, 2024
Hello friend.
That magical time of year has arrived! Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. About 6 weeks of magic or 6 weeks of misery! 😊
Right?! Magical or miserable often seem to be the two choices we give ourselves.
And we have a tendency to think that it will be one way or the other depending on who shows up for the gathering, how they behave, whether or not the turkey is dry and the pies are good.
We mistakenly think that unless it looks and acts like a Norman Rockwell painting then it is a miserable holiday.
So not true my friend. Your holiday season can be magical even if cousin Mary and her family show up late. Even if uncle Bob yammers on and on about the recent election. Even if the turkey is dry and the pies are not so good. And even if you are show up as a party of 1!
Listen in and learn how to make your holiday season magical!
Let’s jump in. Grab that diet coke, put in your ear buds and let’s talk friend to friend.
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Hope this episode inspires you or makes you think.
Monday Nov 11, 2024
Monday Nov 11, 2024
Hey my gorgeous friend,
This episode is for you if…
You are sick of being lonely.
You want to get unstuck and find love.
You know that God has more in mind for you than a life of fear and doubt.
You wish there was a way to overcome problems and obstacles.
You want the confidence to know your next step is the right step.
You believe that your future is yours for the making and taking.
The reality is you are having a hard time making all those wishes, wants and beliefs your reality. So, you don’t think it can happen for you.
Imagine if it can happen! Just imagine. I promise, it is possible. You can have the life you imagine!
Let’s jump in. Grab that diet coke, put in your ear buds and let’s talk friend to friend.
What’s next?
Add your name to the list for my 1-hour LIVE Letting Go of Loneliness workshop
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Hope this episode inspires you or makes you think.
Monday Nov 04, 2024
Monday Nov 04, 2024
Hey my gorgeous friend,
Are you finding yourself feeling pretty dang frustrated because someone, maybe that guy you are interested in, just isn’t doing it right?
You know what I mean. There you are laying down all the clues that you like him and want him to like you back and it just isn’t happening.
Or maybe, it isn’t a particular guy who is doing it wrong. Maybe it is your sister, mother or friend who is frustrating you. They just aren’t behaving correctly.
They aren’t doing or saying the things that you know they should. If they just, did it your way, you could feel happy, secure, wanted and loved.
But they aren’t doing it and so you not feeling to happy, secure, wanted or loved.
Maybe if you just wait long enough, they will come to their senses and do it right and you can feel all those good feelings. So, you wait and wait some more. All the while being more and more frustrated.
There is a better way my friend. And that is what this episode is all about. You getting what you want.
Let’s jump in. Grab that diet coke, put in your ear buds and let’s talk friend to friend.
What’s next?
Add your name to the list for my 1-hour LIVE Letting Go of Loneliness workshop
Follow the show and share this episode with all your single girlfriends.
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Hope this episode inspires you or makes you think.
Monday Oct 28, 2024
Monday Oct 28, 2024
Hey my gorgeous friend,
Are you already feeling disappointed rather than excited at the thought of going out on one more first date? Are you beginning to believe it is less painful to just stay with the feeling of loneliness rather than trying again?
Is it hard to keep the promise you made yourself when you joined that dating app to spend 30 minutes each evening engaging with your matches? You find you would just about do anything other than what you promised you would do.
Or, has the whole idea of trying to find a companion become too painful to even try. You are sure that you aren’t attractive enough, smart enough, thin enough so why even try.
Listen my love, there is a better way, a less painful way to create the life you desire. All that is required is self-confidence. You don’t have it now, that is why you are ready to give up or have already given up.
In this episode I share with you the 3 aspects of self-confidence that are required for you to create the life you want. The truth is you have been trying for a long time to create that life and have not been successful. When you develop self-confidence, the way I teach it, you will have exactly what you need!
Let’s jump in. Grab that diet coke, put in your ear buds and let’s talk friend to friend.
What’s next?
Add your name to the list for my 1-hour LIVE Letting Go of Loneliness workshop
Follow the show and share this episode with all your single girlfriends.
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Hope this episode inspires you or makes you think.
Monday Oct 21, 2024
Monday Oct 21, 2024
Hello my friend!
When you dream about the life that you want to be living, the first thought that comes to mind is probably “I don’t know how to get there!”
And that my friend, is a normal thought to have. All throughout your life, when faced with something new, your brain automatically wants to know the “how”, the “way”, the “method” or “steps” of how to do the new thing.
And when it comes to living the romantic life you imagine, you think you should innately know how to get there. That somehow, it is just supposed to happen. I mean, come on, it is happening so easily for all the other women around you. Why isn’t it just happening for you? It isn’t happening because you don’t know the way for it to happen!
Well, my gorgeous friend that is what we are going to dig into today. I am going to teach you the two ways that are required for you to get what you want.
Let’s jump in. Grab that diet coke, put in your ear buds and let’s talk friend to friend.
What’s next?
Add your name to the list for my 1-hour LIVE Letting Go of Loneliness workshop
Follow the show and share this episode with all your single girlfriends.
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Check out how you can work with me as your private love coach.
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Hope this episode inspires you or makes you think.
Monday Oct 14, 2024
Monday Oct 14, 2024
Hello my friend!
Are you waking up more often than not in a bad mood? Your eyes pop open and already you feel the worry, doubt, confusion, anxiety, overwhelm, loneliness, sadness and anger settle in to your day and you haven’t even gotten out of bed.
What the heck! Another bad day and you haven’t even had your first diet coke.
But then why would this day be any different than yesterday, nothing has changed you are single still and it seems as if that will never change.
You want it to change, but it hasn’t and you are believing it never will. So, here you are living one bad day after another. Praying it will change. Hoping it will change. Maybe if you pray harder or hope more fervently it will change.
Listen friend I want you to keep praying and hoping AND God and I also want you to exercise your agency to do all that is in your power to get what you want…including a better attitude.
In this episode I will share with you why you have a bad attitude and the best way to start improving that attitude. So, grab a notebook and pen and get ready to wake up with a good attitude.
Let’s jump in. Grab that diet coke, put in your ear buds and let’s talk friend to friend.
What’s next?
Add your name to the list for my 1-hour LIVE Letting Go of Loneliness workshop
Follow the show and share this episode with all your single girlfriends.
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Hope this episode inspires you or makes you think.
Monday Oct 07, 2024
Monday Oct 07, 2024
Hello my friend!
It’s Saturday morning and you look at your list of things to do and think to yourself, “I don’t want to do any of that!”
Ever done that? Decided to do something and then not do it?
And then Saturday evening, you are wondering what the heck happened! How is it that you keep falling into this pattern of deciding to do something and then not doing it!
Well, my friend, first off, know that you are not alone. We all struggle with this pattern. And there are two reasons why we often don’t do what we promised ourself we would do.
In this episode I unpack those two reasons by teaching you the main reason you don’t do what you said you would do and the second reason is about a part of your brain that you may be surprised even exists!
Let’s jump in. Grab that diet coke, put in your ear buds and let’s talk friend to friend.
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Hope this episode inspires you or makes you think.
Monday Sep 30, 2024
Monday Sep 30, 2024
Hello my friend!
Are you wondering when your life will actually begin? You know, the life that you were promised – the one where you are married and have a couple of babies.
Are you feeling stagnant and stuck as you wait for Mr. Right to come along so you can start living?
Are you thinking that God has simply forgotten about you?
Are you believing that there is something wrong with you and that is why you are stuck in singleness?
Are you desperately hoping there is more to your life than just waiting?
If you answer any of these questions with YES! then this episode is for you. Lean in as I blow your mind with something you were never taught – the 1st step to living happier now!
Let’s jump in. Grab that diet coke, put in your ear buds and let’s talk friend to friend.
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Hope this episode inspires you or makes you think.